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I am currently 40 years old, I also have a sister-in-law who is 33 years old, she is married, in fact, our relationship started when the sister-in-law was single.He was about 20 years old at the time.

One day the lady was hospitalized for childbirth, then my sister-in-law was also staying with us, at night I was sleeping in the living room with my sister-in-law, one night I got up to the toilet at night, I couldn’t go to bed anyway, because I’ve been thirsty for sex for months, I’ve been writhing in bed.

Anyway, I really loved my sister-in-law very much, I broke my intentions, now it’s time to fuck my sister-in-law, I said will this opportunity come again, i watched her sleeping for a long time a few times it was summer, the weather was very hot, there was a nightgown that came up to her kneecap with a strap on, the room was painful until the night she lay face down, I slowly rubbed her leg first, but I had a fear that she would react very badly, I slowly licked her feet to her ass, then I put my hand in her weight, slowly started to bleed a little he woke up after he had finished reading, he immediately got right to the uncle, he reacted to what are you doing, I love him very much and with him i said that I would be, first he refused, absolutely not, he said, especially to my sister, I can’t do this, he begged for almost 1 hour, I told him for a long time that no one would know about these events, there would be a secret between us, I felt that he was now slowly softening, I told him that there was nothing to be afraid of, I said that I started squeezing his little breasts like a lemon between my hands with my hand, then I kissed him, first he was very embarrassed, his mouth did not hurt, I kept on Decocting thoroughly now. vavas, let’s just have sex, I felt that he was softening slowly, let’s just have sex, I said there was nothing to be afraid of, so I started squeezing his little breasts like a lemon between my hands, then I kissed his lips, first he was very embarrassed, his mouth did not hurt, I kept on Decocting the loosened room began to reciprocate for me .

Wildly lovesick, I put my hand into her weight at that moment, the juice of her pussy is now starting to empty out thoroughly, I started sucking her tiny breasts, on the one hand, while she was sucking her hair with my fingers, she was sucking her breasts were great, the tips were like a new bass, sulking, they were like arrows, she immediately took off her nightgown, and when I took off her kilo, she took my kilo into her mouth, she started sucking, the inside of her mouth was like fire it was going to burn my cock like I took the whole of that little just-cleaned cunt in my mouth her cunt was so small it was missing in my mouth, I was so thirsty for sex that I was sulking like I would bruise your cunt.

I started to put my finger lightly into her small ass hole, she had a very tight ass, she was already small in the ass.she was moaning sulkily, shaking her pussy from right to left, come on, she said crush my pussy with your cock, but don’t put it in, she said because she was mad and she was sleeping with me for the first time, immediately separated her legs well, immediately put her cock on, by the way, she was sucking her breasts as if she were ripping, by the way, she was sucking, then she said she was coming out, I was already coming in mine, I was empty in her stomach, she was really coming in her own. she was lying down for the first time, she immediately Decoupled her legs, immediately put her legs on, she was sucking her breasts, by the way, she was sucking, by the way, she was hitting her breasts, by the way, she was sucking, by the way, she was hitting, by the way, she was sucking, by the way, she was hitting, by the way, she was hitting her pussy was full of semen, I started sucking her well, not really it tasted like sugar, and then after listening for a while, we started making love again.

It’s so nice to make love to uncle, he was whispering in my ear because I love you, I started to get more aroused, I started sulking your pussy again, I started expanding your ass with my finger this Dec, I was definitely going to fuck that ass, you’re not fucking your pussy, at least I said to fuck your ass. He said no, that big cock definitely won’t go into that little hole, he said don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt if we cream, I bought liquid oil from the kitchen that was finished in the lady’s cream, I said, it hurt his legs well, he said, and I smeared the penis well, I lightly inserted the press, he said, no way, my toilet came out, he went to the toilet, he was a little later, he was very scared, he said, wouldn’t you fuck my ass.

No, I said I would definitely fuck, but what if he said get in slowly, okay, I got really fat again, hugged him tightly and started pushing him more slowly, his head entered, he said don’t move, he waited a little inside, his ass was so tight that he was squeezing my cock, it was like fire inside, I waited a little, then I couldn’t resist, suddenly I rooted my dick, he screamed, and he went to bed, fainted, got worried, died, I looked, he was breathing, then he tried to sober me up for 15-20 minutes, then he sobered me up you said my ass is burning like a pepper, I apologized, I said I won’t hurt again, just rub it on my pussy, crushing my cillig, you’ll be empty, he said okay, I said, we started making love again, he bent his legs again, holding my cock, he put it on his back, I started pumping, he was supporting himself with his hand so that he wouldn’t slip faster, he was moaning, he was hitting fast, suddenly I got into her pussy, he threw a cigarette, I immediately took off, but fortunately blood started coming from his pussy, he sat down, he was crying like that, anyway, it happened once, the lady was hospitalized for 1 week, and then he went to the plateau every day during that summer cyclical 3-4 years later, he ran away with an idiot, of course, so that he wouldn’t understand the state of the moon she brought her time and made the idiot hype it up, our relationship continues, we fuck whenever we want, because her husband works during the daytime all the time.


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