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Slm, it’s Spring. I am 21 years old, I was born and raised in Konya. After high school, I took the university exam 2 times, but because I never studied for the exam, the 3 parts I wanted didn’t come either. Because I was very bored at home, I saw an ad while looking at job ads on the net: “A cosmetic company is looking for a female employee with a high salary, smooth diction, friendly, well-groomed, who takes care of her clothes, at least a high school graduate!” he was saying. Actually, it seemed fine to me, I was going to dress the way I wanted, put on makeup, and not get too tired…

The next day I went to the store. There were 3 well-groomed nice ladies working in the store. We had a preliminary meeting with Mrs. Jale, who is responsible for the staff, and we agreed that I should be hired. But Ms. Jale said, “You also need to talk to our manager, please go to his room, he will be here at around 2 o’clock!” said. I went into the room and sat down. I was waiting for the manager and the lady, but the door opened and Emre Bey, a 33-year-old man with a large build, tall posture, although not very handsome, pleasant and quiet-looking, entered. We also talked to him and agreed that I should be hired. But I was a little hesitant about working hours, because it was from 9 in the morning to 21 in the evening. My parents might not have allowed it. If not, I thought I would work for 2-3 months. The manager liked me too and said, “We will have a trial period for a month, if we are satisfied with each other during this process, we will continue, otherwise you shake hands and leave, no problem!” said. “Well!” I said, “I started work on Monday.

By the way, before I forget to mention myself, I must say that I am a medium-sized, slightly fishy, long-legged, plump-chested and hip Decked, brunette, long-haired, hazel-eyed, nice girl. I’ve only had 2 girlfriends so far. I had a full relationship with the latter, so he broke me. But because he had a nature that loved violence, no matter how much I loved him, we broke up. I was feeling sad about this situation and I was missing him. It’s been almost 7-8 months since I broke up with him. And I never bought a man in my life after that, I was still thinking about him because…

Anyway, I started this cosmetic business, it was going pretty well. There were 3 women who worked with me at work. All 3 of these ladies were married, as you can see, all 3 are open doors. In my gut (This manager must be fucking them all!) I was thinking, because they were very friendly with the manager and they were sucking up to the guy, (He’s single, fuck it!) I said inwardly. But about 10 days after I started working, manager Emre Brain’s eye was constantly on me. I knew that he was watching and looking at me with evasive glances, whether from the security camera or from the door. While the other 3 mature ladies were longing for him, I didn’t understand why the manager was looking at me like he was courting me, because I wasn’t giving him any face. My mind was my idea of the lover I broke up with…

Those at work had also noticed the manager’s interest in me, and they had adopted hostile attitudes towards me. But I didn’t care, because I was Emre’s brain favorite. Emre bey also openly shows his interest in me now, he comes to lunch with me, sometimes he even took me to work, saying, “I was passing by your house …”. But the fact that I didn’t give a face was driving him crazy. Whether it was while chatting, face-to-face, when we opened up about how he liked me, I was closing those topics…

we were close to 1 month, and one day everyone went out for lunch, and I didn’t go out because my stomach hurt. Emre bey didn’t come out either, but I thought he did. There’s a place like a warehouse at work, I went down there and thought I’d lie on the couch for a while until the girls came. While examining the catalogues around, the door of the warehouse opened, someone was coming down. Obviously, I wasn’t worried because she was one of our girls, but I was surprised when I saw the Order in front of me, I immediately recovered. ”You don’t need to pack…” he said. He had a cigarette in his hand, slowly descended the stairs, approached me. I recovered, “Sorry, Mr. Emre, I was a little sick, I was lying down a little for him. Here, what was it?I said. He said, “You didn’t go out to dinner? Besides, it will be 1 month since I started working this Friday, how are you satisfied?” said. “Yes, I am satisfied, there is no problem from my point of view, and are you satisfied with me?I said. “I am also very pleased with you, you will continue your work, there is only one last consideration…” he said. “What is it?” when I said, he suddenly pulled me to himself and said, “I haven’t tasted you, I don’t know about your special performance!” said.

I was shocked, it was like that gentleman guy had suddenly become a pervert. I pushed him and told him it was a shame what he was doing. When I said that I wanted to get out of the warehouse, that someone might come, he said, “Don’t worry, no one will come, they went to a distant restaurant, you don’t need to be afraid!” he said something like that. At first I was very angry, I had never experienced anything like this before, after all, I wasn’t a bitch. Then I thought, I haven’t fucked in 7-8 months, what if I fucked once. I had made my decision, I was going to fuck the manager, but I was going to be nice and I was going to resist, and if he was going to do it, he was going to do it by force. This would be more enjoyable for both of us…

Without looking at his face, he said, “Please move away, I want to get out!I said. I was shaking with excitement. He grabbed me and stretched me out on the couch, holding my hands tightly, he untied the waistband of my pants. His voice was already turning me on so much, he grabbed me by the hair and said, “Are you a virgin or not?” said. I was saying hoarsely, “Please don’t, please leave…” hoarsely. And he’s leaning over me like he’s lost himself, “You’re great, baby, it’s a faggot that doesn’t tear your pussy apart, let’s see what it’s like not to give me a face!” he said, and he took down my panties and started licking my pussy. I liked it a lot, but, “Let me go!” I was going on to say. Then he said to me, “If you do what I want beautifully, nothing painful will happen between us!” I let myself go when you said. But I was still pushing him…

The moment I saw your cock, I was already shocked, it was a big, bulging, long thing, how could I take it inside me. After licking my pussy for quite a while, he spat on his hand and wet his cock and started rubbing between my pussy’s lips moaning. Dec. “Are you a virgin or not? Come on, tell me!” when he said, “I’m not!” I suddenly said. “Hmmm, I thought so, baby this is great! saying, “he made me bend over as he turned me around and put his cock against my pussy from behind. The atmosphere was quiet, there were only my interrupted breathing and crying from the trick, and the sounds of his horny. He was slowly passing his dick through my pussy rubbing and rubbing. And when you sting, “I guessed, you have a very fuckless pussy, oh, that’s it!” by saying, he spent it to the root. I was out of breath or something….

After a while, he started going back and forth. He was ecstatic now. I was enjoying it too, but I was still being told, “Enough is enough…” or something. He said, “Just be patient, enjoy it, I’ll eat your pussy, ohhhhh, I haven’t fucked such a tight cunt in a long time!“ he went back and forth for about 20 minutes, saying something like that, and then he said, “I’ll be there in a minute, so get off, don’t worry about yourself anymore! You also passed the trial process, baby!” he pulled it out of me by being told and it exploded on my back…

It stayed on me for a while. Then he got up, pulled off his panties and trousers, straightened his top. I packed up the same way. We weren’t talking at all. He came and kissed me once and we went to the store. about 10 minutes later, the other women arrived. We ended that day as if nothing had happened. But I didn’t go to work after my son, I told sister Jale that I wanted to leave, and she told the Order, of course. But Emre called me every day, begged and begged, convinced me again and I started working again.

It’s been exactly 2 months since I started again, and by the way, I’m the only favorite of the Order, she doesn’t face any of the other women Decently. Of course, they are all crazy about this situation. But I didn’t force anyone to do anything, after all. After the first fuck, Emre fucked me once more (in the car). It was very pleasant, but I don’t give it that often, so as not to escape the taste. Let’s see where this job will go like this…


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