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Greetings, my name is Baran. i am a 40-year-old civil engineer. I am doing project engineering at a newly established small construction company. More than half of my day is spent at the desk in the office. Since the workplace was new, there were no employees in the office except me. I was looking at phones, meeting with the staff in the field and the companies we do business with, and also preparing and drawing projects. Sometimes things were disrupted when I needed to go to the field. The doorman’s wife came and cleaned the apartment a few days a week, and if it wasn’t for her, I would have completely burned down.

I told the boss several times to get someone experienced in drawing who could also do secretarial work, but he didn’t listen. But in the end, after all my insistence, he said, “A distant relative of mine has a daughter, she studies civil engineering, would such a person be useful to you?” when he asked, “It’s useful, just let him at least look at the phones and take some of the drawing work away from me!I said. “Okay, then I’ll tell him to come and see you, if it works for him, you get it, if it doesn’t work, send him away!” said. The boss was an open-minded person, he would get rid of giving extra money to hire a student for three cents, to get insurance. But I didn’t dwell on it, at least because it would lighten my burden a little.

The next day, my phone rang while I was working. It was the young girl he was talking about, the caller, her name was Tuğçe. He had the address of his workplace, but he didn’t know how to get there because he didn’t know Istanbul, he asked me to assign a location. “All right, I’ll send it right away!” I gave the position by saying, I also wrote how it would come.

About two hours later, when there was a knock on the door, I opened it. When a student says, a bag on his back, a notebook in his hand, a pencil, a ruler, etc. I was waiting for someone who was, whereas in front of me was a tall and thin, model-like girl. She was wearing a blue jeans with short skinny legs and a rubberized strapless blouse. Her belly, chest and shoulders were bare. She was wearing blue shoes with pointed high heels.

In the face of this view, I first thought that it sounded wrong and said, “Excuse me, who were you looking at?“I asked. ”I was looking for Mr. Baran, I had a conversation on the phone …” when I said, the coin fell. “It’s your baran, you’ve met me, here, come in!I said. He passed in, accompanied by the clatter of his shoes on the polished parquet. Her skintight trousers were tightly wrapped around her legs, hips and ass. There was no belt on his high-waisted trousers. His crotch and the rounded lines of his ass were completely visible. I couldn’t take my eyes off the curve of her thin white waist and her magnificent ass for a while.

When I said, ”Mr. Nazmi told me that you were a student…“, he interjected, “I guess I don’t fit Decently into your student profile?” he said, smiling. “Estağfurullah, it seems that I am a little old, please!” I asked him to go to the meeting table. She put her shiny black bag on the table and sat down in the chair. I stood in front of him and asked if he was going to have a drink. “Thank you!” when he gently said that he didn’t want to, I told him about myself, what we were doing, what kind of person we needed. He listened with interest.

He got excited when I asked him to introduce himself. He said it was his first job interview. “Please relax, there is nothing to get excited about!I said. He said that he was from Antalya, that his family lived there, that he was studying here at a private university on a half-scholarship. It was one of the fake universities that have proliferated like mushrooms in recent years. he was 19 years old and in the second grade. She was staying in a private girls’ dormitory. He had discussed the money issue with the boss and agreed, I was not involved in that part.

He was willing, but he was hesitant because it would be his first work experience. “Don’t be afraid that I can’t, I can’t, don’t be afraid. It’s hard at first, but then the rest comes on its own. I will help you too, I will do my best. The school gives only theoretical knowledge, the workplace is the place that will give you the real engineer qualification!” I said to convince. Finally, he said, “All right then!” he agreed, saying.

I asked him to set the working hours according to the lesson schedule. When I said, ”Not always, but sometimes it may be necessary to stay on shift, sometimes it is necessary to work on Saturdays…“, he said, “I don’t mind as long as it’s not too late. I have to check into the dormitory before 23:00 or they’re searching the house!” said. “No, we won’t be that late, I’ll drop you off in those cases!” he was glad when I said.

When I leave Tugce, I feel (Wow, what is this, my wife would eat my head off if she saw this!)” I said. Tugçe was a really beautiful and attractive girl. He had black hair coming down his back, white skin, big brown eyes, shaped black eyebrows. If she were a model instead of working here for three cents, she would earn much more. In my time, there were 5 girls in the entire civil engineering department. They were spotty, nerdy types all over, too. We could not have seen a girl like Tuğçe in our dreams.

The boss called and asked if the girl had arrived. “He has arrived, he will start tomorrow!I said. “How do you like it, girl, is it useful to you?” when he asked, “We’ll manage now!I said. Whereas I liked it very much.

The next day in the afternoon, there was a knock at the door, it was Tuğçe. This time he was wearing a pair of black jeans with short tight legs. He squeezed her thighs, groin and ass like yesterday’s blue jeans. On top of that, she was wearing a thin sweater that again left her navel exposed. He was walking like this despite the cool weather outside. He had thick high-heeled black boots on his feet.

The desk where he was going to work was inside, opposite the entrance door. Because his laptop hadn’t arrived yet, he said, “Pull up a chair and sit next to me!” I said, showing him my room. At least he could look at me while I was drawing and learn something, take notes. First, I showed you around the small office, showed you the kitchen and bathroom. There was a room in the office other than my room where the boss stayed when he came, but the door was always closed.

He pulled the study chair next to me and sat down, throwing himself on his legs and started taking notes on his calendar. The smell of intense perfume filled the room. From time to time he leaned towards the screen so that he could see closer. At such moments, there was only a Deceptive distance between us. Her bulging breasts, which made her look older than her age, protruded under her thin sweater. At that moment, I could hardly help myself not to cling to her thick pink lips.

The girl was an absolute disaster. I was a married man with two children. And I wasn’t a crazy guy either. I had a nice and regular fucking life with my wife, but the beauty of the girl, the freshness and vitality of the age of 19 blew my mind. My dick was getting hard whether I wanted to or not.

When we were working, we called each other ’Lady‘ and ’Gentleman’. I didn’t want to seem rude to him by calling him by his first name from the first day. However, he broke this wall Tugçe and said, “It’s enough to call me Tugçe, you don’t need to call me Lady!” he said, smiling. He said that Decently considering the difference in position and age between us. “All right, as you like!” I said joyfully.

Tuğçe was in the second grade, but he was very deficient in drawing. He didn’t know how to do a lot of things, he was mixing up commands. It had to be cultivated, and this would increase my burden instead of reducing it. When I said I was studying in the second grade, I thought he had learned some things now, but I was wrong. Nevertheless, it seemed that she would close this gap with her beauty and charm. At least I was going to look at such a beauty instead of staring blankly at the walls in the office.

At one point, I asked him to give me the catalog of materials on the opposite table. Dec. She got up and bent down to pick it up on the table, at that moment her round ass under her tight black jeans shone like the sun in front of my eyes. The traces of slip panties were visible under the jeans. He took the catalog and sat down next to me again. I asked him questions and asked him to respond by looking at the catalog. I was entering the information according to his answers.

He didn’t understand some things, he was confusing. He was nervous, he was suffering from inexperience, but these were the usual things of business life. My voice will have been a little loud, and I noticed that his eyes were moist. “What’s the matter, what’s the matter?” when I said, “I can’t!” saying that, he left the catalog on the table and ran into the kitchen. I went after her, she was sitting in a chair crying.

I knelt down in front of him and put his hands on his knees. “Not if you do that, you will be strong, you will be determined. Otherwise, it’s easy to cry, everyone does it, the main thing is to succeed. I’m sure you can make it. If you want to become a very good engineer in the future, never give up!” I’ve said a few words from people like that to give morale. But my words worked. He wiped the thin tears pouring from his white cheeks with the back of his hand. “I beg your pardon!” he said, pulling his nose.

I straightened up and put my hand on his shoulder, “It’s okay, let’s take a break if you want. Dec. Would you like some coffee?“I asked. Laughing but still with old eyes, he stood up and said, “Please let me do it, it’s not your job!” said. He asked me how I wanted my coffee. “All right, as you like!” I went inside, saying.

A few minutes later he came with a cup of coffee in his hand. Our office was on the eighth floor. While we were standing side by side, looking at the view, drinking our coffee, I asked questions to comfort him, I talked about other topics. I said to her, “Haven’t you ever thought about modeling?“I asked. He seemed embarrassed. “Well, actually, I thought, my mother even signed me up to the agency in Antalya, but my grandmother didn’t want me to. He’s so mad at mom!” he said, smiling.

“You are a beautiful girl, you can earn more by modeling than you will get from here!” when I said that, his shyness increased even more. “Thank you!” he said politely. “Don’t misunderstand, please!” I said, that’s when I realized that I embarrassed him. I was a little weak about male-female relationships. I’ve been drinking with men in the construction industry for years. I even met my wife thanks to my mother, we were distant relatives.

“You’re welcome, what do you mean. You’re not the first to say that!” said. Then, to change the subject, he asked questions about my marriage and children. There were photos of my wife and children on my desk. “Your wife is very beautiful!” he said afterwards. He had shy evasive glances when he said this. He stopped for a while and said, “Do you have a girlfriend?“I asked. Her face flushed a little, “No, there was, but we broke up, I’m free now!” he said with a laugh. Then, thinking that he had been indiscreet, he said, “Well, excuse me!” said. “That’s all right.I said.


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