My Longest Night with My Brother-in-Law
i’m 21 and my brother-in-law is 27. A naive man, in fact, in his own condition and calm. If I only saw porn story sites or science virtual conversations, then I wouldn’t do anything, but this guy also has pictures with other women and so on. One day when my sister was not at home, I showed her everything… and also from my phone. After all, you need to back up such important data. Something happened that I never expected, she started crying and saying please don’t tell. He says that I will do whatever you want at that moment. I have a lot of girls, I have a lot of girlfriends, but sometimes I can think that men are attractive too, and I looked at my brother-in-law, he’s an attractive man. Of course, I didn’t say if you’d give it to me once, I sat down next to you and put my hand on your ass. My brother-in-law is not so much if I said naive, although he was surprised for a moment, he understood what I wanted for the picture and other evidence. But, but… even though he said it, he didn’t have to make a sound.
I pulled out my dick in a soulless way, put it in his mouth. I fuck my brother-in-law with threats. I wouldn’t believe it if they said something like this would happen. It can’t be said that the blowjob is also very good, I said ok come Dec sometime, he came. He lay down next to me, I pulled down his pants with my hands and licked his dick. He thought I was just going to fuck, but no, I licked it too. Moreover, with a performance 10x better than the one he exhibited. And finally I made him come. And when he came, I twisted it and put it on his ass. I was really pleased that he did what I said quietly. Although at some point he said, “when my dick was coming in,” uh, uh, he didn’t do anything else. Dec.
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